Let's vaai

Let’s Vaai - Affordable and Secure Rides at your Fingertips

*We connect passengers and travelers making the same trip. Share costs, save money.

Trust who you travel with

We check reviews, profiles and IDs, so you know who you’re travelling with and can book your ride at ease on our secure platform.

Share fuel and toll costs

Split travel costs with your fellow passengers and enjoy an affordable alternative to traditional transportation.


Reduce your carbon footprint by sharing rides and contributing to a greener South Africa.

How it works

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Step 1: Search for a ride to where you want to go


Step 2: Find or Offer a Ride, we will connect you with someone going your way


Step 3: Find the right price and person to travel with, book and travel together


Step 4: Create your account and verify your ID for added safety, buckle up and enjoy the ride!

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Help us keep you safe from scams

At VAAI, we’re working hard to make our platform as secure as it can be.
But when scams do happen, we want you to know exactly how to avoid
and report them. Follow our tips to help us keep you safe.